Rev. Fred's Reflections


Dear friends,

Some time last year, after the silent retreat in our Church, I sent you some information about contemplative prayer and some internet sites relating to it.  This year the TRAC MSF Northern District Retreat was held in our church on the theme “Turning loneliness into solitude with God” Nearly 80 persons attended and they were greatly helped by the theme talk by Rev. Dr. Chew Tow Yow.

 As many of you know, I went through some very trying times with loneliness after Vyvyen was called home in March 2003 and recently with my illness.  God had provided me with relatives and friends to care for me and comfort me and I thank God for them. Through their prayers and interceding he has enabled me to complete my treatments successfully and to be fit again to continue to serve him as he leads me.

 One thing that enabled me to bear these experiences was my faith and trust in God and in my Saviour Jesus Christ and the knowledge they are always with me and I could reach them in prayer.  The presence of God is around us just at the air is; and to know that just as the oxygen in the air is vital for our life, so is it to know that the presence of God and our Lord in our life is vital for our spiritual life. To discover this, is to discover the immense power of God, which we see in creation. As he transforms creation so can he transform our life.  One of the gifts God has given us is the gift of prayer.  Over the years, our Lord Jesus Christ has taught me many things and showed me how to live in accordance with his word.  He has enabled me to understand the commandments and the Lord’s Prayer and to follow them in my daily life.

 Some of you have requested me to share my thoughts and experiences and what has helped me in my daily reflections and understanding the word of God. Hence I shall share with you a brief reflection, once a week beginning from the 1st Wednesday in Advent this year via email.   For the beginning, I shall concentrate on the 10 Commandments and the Lord ’s Prayer and how our relationships are to be guided by them.

 If you would like to receive this material, please send email to

Yours in His Service


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