The Journey Begins


 Jesus saith unto him (Thomas),   "I  am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but  by me".    

John 14:5-6

As they pass through the Valley of Baca,

They make it a spring; 

The rain also covers it with pools. 

They go from strength to strength;   

Each one appears before God in Zion.

Psalm 84:6-7



The journey of our lives is a double journey. There is an outward journey into external confrontations, discoveries, and relationships, and there is an inner journey into self-knowledge and the discovery of what for me as an individual constitutes self-expression, self-fulfillment, freedom and contentment within.

 For the Christian, the outward journey takes the form of learning to relate positively and purposefully to the world and other people - that is, to all God's creatures - for God the Creator's sake, and the inward journey takes the form of gaining and deepening our acquaintance with God himself and with Jesus the Son 
From J.I. Packer: Keep In Step With the Spirit  page 80

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The World We Live In

In Erehwon            


The Journey