Your Presence

I know not from what distant time You are ever coming nearer to meet me.
Your sun and Your stars can never keep You hidden from me forever.
In many a morning and evening, Your footsteps have been heard,
Your messenger has come within my heart and called me in secret.
I know not why today my life is all astir, and a feeling of tremulous
joy is passing through my heart.
It is as if my time were come to wind up my work, and I feel in the
air a faint sweet smell of your presence.

The Music of Love

When all the strings of my life will be tuned, 

then at every touch of Yours will come out the music of love.


                                                                               Rabrindranath Tagore.



A Prayer

Where the heart of giving is stifled may new doors open. Where
choice is taken away may new choices be given. As the Gospels encourage,
"Seek and ye shall find. Knock and the door will be opened."


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