Text Box: Issue No.1/2007                        MARCH 2007                    Email: fvamw@tm.net.my

Text Box: Issue No.1/2007                        MARCH 2007                    Email: fvamw@tm.net.my

Text Box: Issue No.1/2007                        MARCH 2007                    Email: fvamw@tm.net.my


Text Box: Issue No.1/2007                        MARCH 2007                    Email: fvamw@tm.net.my


Text Box: Issue No.2/2007                        1 APRIL 2007                   Email:fvamw@tm.net.my  



We are in the final week of Lent 2007. We stand before the cross. What do we see in our mind’s eye? Only the three crosses in Calvary or more?

We see God’s love for mankind that allowed Jesus to be crucified and that through this we are freed from our sin of disobedience.

We also see the two sides of human nature, the self seeking and the repentant, through the nature of the two robbers crucified with Jesus.

We see God’s love is all encompassing and His forgiveness to a repentant sinner is freely given. He loves the sinner but hates the sinner’s sin.

Let us stand with the crowd at the cross and reflect on what was happening and on the following words spoken from the cross.

Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." (Luke 23;34)

Then he (the repentant robber) said, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." (Luke 23:42)

Jesus answered him, "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise, (Luke 23:43)

When Jesus had received the drink, Jesus said, "It is finished." With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. ( John 19:30)

In these words we see the love and compassion of Jesus for sinners, his forgiveness to a repentant sinner and his declaration that his work of salvation is now complete and finished.

In our reflection, let us consider the following questions.

1. In my daily life, how much do I reflect the love, compassion and forgiveness of Jesus for others?

2. Am I aware that Jesus has finished the task of salvation and this is offered as a free gift from God to all repentant sinners?

There is a balm in Gilead


There is a balm in Gilead to make the wounded whole; there is a balm in Gilead to heal the sin-sick soul.

Sometimes I feel discouraged, and think my work’s in vain. But the Holy Spirit revives my soul again.

Don’t ever feel discouraged, for Jesus is your friend, and if you look for knowledge he’ll ne’er refuse to lend.

If you can’t preach like Peter, if you can’t pray like Paul, just tell the love of Jesus and say he died for all.

Listening to God.

In the turmoil and turbulence of my everyday life, there are experiences so final, so devastating in their irreversibility, so absolutely overwhelming, that I have inevitably at some point, asked, "Where are you, O God?"

As I have entered the portals of the church on a Sunday morning with very specific concerns, the Lord in his great mercy and grace has always addressed my specific concerns in an unmistakable way, in a hymn, in words of spoken of prayer, in the reading of the Word or in a conversation with a friend after the service.

When I am sitting on a bench in a park, or in the balcony of my house, trying to quieten the chatter in the mind, and wait on the Lord, a harmony and a peace reads into my very beingness, overrides the turbulence, And I know God has met with me. The peace that passeth all understanding is beyond verbalization.

The move current move to encourage Silent Prayer and Meditation and the recent publication of the Meditations for Lent 2007, its occasional negative lapses notwithstanding, is a recognition that corporate worship and individual reflection both make for spiritual growth. And I look forward, prayerfully, to the day when resources such as Sacred Space now on the website will be made available more widely.

From Erehown.



Hearing God's Voice in the Bible
In his book Knowing God, J. I. Packer says, "God has spoken to man, and the Bible is His Word, given to us to make us wise unto salvation."

The Bible itself declares, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (John 1:1). In another place, we read: "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness." (2 Timothy 3:16).

You may hear people say that the Bible is just a book written by men, but the Bible itself claims to be God's Word! Can we rely on it? The evidence of history, archaeology, fulfilled prophecy and personal testimony over thousands of years is overwhelming that the Bible is, indeed, God's Word. Do you want to hear God's voice? Then read the Bible. Find a good daily reading plan, and stick to it.

Hearing God's Voice through Prayer
When you want to have a conversation with someone, how do you begin? Do you stand in front of the person and hope they will talk to you? That might work, if the other person is outgoing enough, but usually we begin a conversation by opening our own mouths and talking, engaging the other person's attention. It's the same with God! He loves to hear us talk to Him, and it's in those moments that we prepare ourselves to hear the voice of God. Prayer is like saying, "Hello, God, it's me. I believe You created me and that You know way more about how I should live my life than I do. I'd like to get to know You better. Here's what's going on in my life, and I'd sure like Your thoughts on how to handle it. Would You please speak to me about this today?"

In an ordinary conversation, we speak, then listen for the response of the other person. It's the same with God! Once we've prepared our hearts to listen through prayer, we're more likely to hear the voice of God. Does He speak to us through an audible voice? Some claim He does, but usually that's not the case. We may not actually "hear" the voice of God, but He speaks to us in many ways. Here are some of them:

· God speaks through His Word

· God speaks through our thoughts

· God speaks through conversations with others

· God speaks through circumstances

Hearing God's Voice through Jesus
The Bible also tells us that Jesus is God in the flesh. Therefore, if you want to hear the voice of God, you must study and know the teachings of Jesus. Here's how John describes Him: "That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched - this we proclaim concerning the Word of life." (1 John 1:1).

You must also have a personal relationship with Jesus. Have you ever tried to carry on a conversation of any depth with a person you did not know? It doesn't usually go very far.

Shortly before He was crucified, Jesus met with His disciples to reassure them of what would happen after He was gone. He promised them a helper: "And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever - the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you." (John 14:16-17). The Holy Spirit, then, is the fulfillment of the way we hear God's voice!

Hearing God's Voice with the Help of the Holy Spirit
"But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you." (John 14:26). The second chapter of Acts describes the events that occurred on the day of Pentecost, after Jesus ascended into Heaven. Verse 3 says they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, the Counselor promised by Jesus. This unique aspect of God's personality did not come to them as someone they could see and touch, but rather He came to live inside them. That same Spirit is available to you and me today. Are you a Christian? If so, you already have the Holy Spirit available to you. Ask God for a fresh filling everyday, and He will prepare your heart to hear God's voice. His Spirit, that still, small voice inside you, is the One who will remind you of what God said, and help you recognize God's opportunities in your life.

Hearing God's Voice - Conclusion of the Matter
So we have the Bible, prayer, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and our own hearts to help us in hearing God's voice. Do you want to hear God's voice? That is the final question, for God responds to willing hearts. In the book of Revelation, we read: "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me." (Revelation 3:20). God will never force you to obey Him, but waits for your willing response to His call. Are you hearing His voice right now? Don't let your final answer be the wrong one

(Taken from the internet on Prayer – Hearing God’s Voice

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