Text Box: Issue No.1/2007                        MARCH 2007                    Email: fvamw@tm.net.my




Everyone of us goes through experiences each day, for life is meeting experiences that come our way. At times we reflect over these experiences in the light of our knowledge or our faith in God. Experiences when reflected upon can become a testimony of God’s work in our life. We can share this with one another to allow God to use us to build each other.

My weekly reflection on the word of God is now incorporated in this format under the heading Experience, Reflection, Testimonies. This will include contributions of your experiences and testimonies which will help us grow in faith and trust in God.

Some space will also given for prayer requests





Lent is the season in the Church Year, when Christians all over the world turn their thoughts on Jesus Christ, his suffering, death on the cross and his resurrection. So in Lent this year let us turn to portions of the scripture and reflect on them.

It would be great if you could share your reflections for us to grow together in faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ .

The Holy Spirit teaches and guides us as we pause in our daily busy schedule for a quiet time with God.

Your comments, reflections, views, experiences and testimonies will help to make this newsletter more relevant and meaningful. Thank your for your support and encouragement.


Jesus says:

Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world but to save the world through him. (John 3: 14-17)

Points to Ponder

Why must Jesus die on the cross?

What benefits do I receive from Jesus?

How can I be a disciplined, faithful and loyal witness of Jesus Christ in my life?





There is on record a story of how a tribe of North American Indians who roamed in the neighborhood of Niagara offered, year by year, a young virgin as a sacrifice to the Spirit of the Mighty River. She was called the Bride of the Falls.

The lot fell one year on a beautiful girl who was the only daughter of an old chieftain. The news was carried to him while he was sitting in his tent; but on hearing it the old man went on smoking his pipe, and said nothing of what he felt. On the day fixed for the sacrifice a white canoe, full of ripe fruits and decked with beautiful flowers, was ready, waiting to receive the "Bride".

At the appointed hour she took her place in the frail bark, which was pushed into mid-stream where it would be carried swiftly toward the mighty cataract. Then, to the amazement of the crowd which had assembled to watch the sacrifice, a second canoe was seen to dart out from the river’s bank a little lower down the stream. In it was seated the old chieftain. With swift stokes he paddled toward the canoe in which sat his beloved child. Upon reaching it he gripped it firmly and held it fast. The eyes of both met in one last look of love, close together, father and daughter were carried by the river current until they plunged over the thundering cataract and perished side by side.

In their death they were not divided. This is the limit of human love.

God was in Jesus Christ, reconciling the world unto himself. Jesus willingly paid the ransom for our sin of disobedience. He did not have to do this. Nobody forced Him. The only force behind that sacrifice was the force of His divine seeking love for us and to give us eternal life with him.

(Taken and adapted from "Streams from the Valley" page l62-163)


You may know that I was diagnosed to have Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in July 2005 and have been under treatment and follow-up since then.

The prayers of relatives, friends in church and others helped me bear the after effects of the treatment fairly well. I thank God for His grace and mercy towards me.

In Sept. 06 the checkup showed all was well, but on Oct 13 2006 I felt a lump in my groin area. The doctors confirmed that the cancer has returned and I was admitted in the GH immediately. A CT scan was done on Oct. 21 which confirmed the spread and chemo treat-ment was commenced on the same day. I developed shingles in my right arm and this was treated effectively and the chemo treatment of 6 monthly cycles recommenced.

I am very grateful to God for the prompt treatment as well as for Him answering the prayers of many which has enabled me to cope with the chemo treatment with bearable side effects.

Once again I have experienced God’s presence in my life and what prayer can do. Prayer is the most powerful gift God has given us to communicate with Him.

I leave to Him issues over which I have no control to solve and do the best over that which I have control. This gives me peace of mind to have a personal relationship with him daily.

My desire is all may come to see what a wonderful and compassionate God we have to carry us through life.








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