Faith Experience


Recently I heard an appealing analogy for the faith experience. It seems that a boy was flying a kite high up in the sky. Soon a low-drifting cloud encircled the kite and hid it from view. A man passing by asked the little boy what he was doing with that string in his hand. "Flying my kite," the little boy responded. The man looked up at the sky and saw only the cloud in an otherwise clear sky. "I don't see a kite up there. How can you be sure that there is a kite up there?" The child replied, " I don't see it either, but I know my kite is up there because every once in a while there is a little tug on the string."

In the same sense I know that there is a guiding hand in mine as I proceed along the path of my life. I know there is a light, not mine, that shows me the way I am to go, one step at a time. I know that the Lord walks with me. And there is a deep and warm sense of gratitude in my heart to walk this way with you as my companion. With the Lord's guidance and your company, "every once in a while there is a little tug on the string." Thanks for letting me tell you about it.

John Powell SJ.:  The Christian Vision

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